Friday, May 12, 2017

Base64 encode/decode in MATLAB

The method I have written below converts an image in JPG format to base64.

and use it like this - 
imname = imread('pic.jpg');
base64str = base64file(imname);

To decode an image, I could not find a more direct solution in MATLAB than to write it as a JPG file and then read it back.

raw = base64decode(xmlImageBytes);   % convert xml image to raw binary
fid = fopen('decodedImage.jpg', 'wb');
fwrite(fid, raw, 'uint8');            % dump the raw binary to the hard disk
img = imread('decodedImage.jpg');

This method does not remove/convert escape characters correctly sometimes, thus decoded image is not correct. Additional code has to be written to convert escape characters before decoding the XML image bytes. 

Base64 QString to QImage to QString in Qt5

I have tested it on Qt5.10 and it works well. Encode - QStringToQImage ( const QString msg ) { QByteArray by = QByteArray :: ...